2024-2025 Season

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“Our stage is our audience’s space of possibility, where ephemeral moments make indelible memories through big, breathtaking, ‘why-not’ productions of some of the best new plays and classic works. In considering what to produce at this singularly polarized moment in time, we choose to lean into that which connects us, brings us together as people. Our 2024/2025 Season is an invitation to leave our differences at the door and, together, surrender to story. So come, gather with friends. Laugh with a loved one, relax, exhale away the noise and the daily grind. Let the art on stage transcend and transport us to a place of possibility,” said Walter Artistic Director Susan V. Booth.

Thank you for your interest in Goodman Theatre!

Our 2024/2025 Season continues, with Betrayal on the Albert Stage through March 30. If you’d like to cover any offerings—or be added to the Press List—please email Press@GoodmanTheatre.org 

Digital Press Kit

Access Photos, Video and more in the Digital Press Kit.

Recent Press Releases

March 20: *The Color Purple* Casting Announcement

March 17: *BUST* Casting Announcement

February 17: *Betrayal* Extends a Second Time

February 6: *Fat Ham* Extends A Second Time

January 8: *The Magic Parlour* Tickets on Sale Through August